Update on the $50/week grocery

Monday, August 13, 2012

Recently, I was inspired by $50/week groceries on  this blog. Our family has been testing it out the last little bit and we have been doing great! I have to admit there was a rocky start, but once I established a routine it has been fabulous!

  1. Sunday night is my meal planning time. I do breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, checking items at home I need or can use.
  2. After the weekly menu is ready I go through the recipes and write down what I need for every meal. Here is my shopping list. 
  3. Now, for the harder part, Monday morning i do my shopping for everything I NEED, that is right, need! The fruit snacks appealed to my two year old daughter, ranch dip and chips for my husband, and all the deals caught my eye. I had to remind everyone (including myself) we are on a budget and trying to be healthier.
  4. This is when you have to use logic and go to the store with a full belly... I didn't plan for snacks I instead got a flat of strawberries for $5 that where on sale and bananas. We already have fruit snacks, crackers and popsicles at home. It was tough to pass that deal up on the strawberries and I knew it would be great for all sorts of things!
My menu this last week:

Monday was my day off since we actually didn't shop until later when our tummies where hungry. We did a splurge for Papa John's since Monday nights are large one topping for $6.50 at our local store. 

Tuesday night was my husband's birthday so we used a gift certificate to Red Robin (sorry doesn't count really). Check for restaurant coupons and deals before you go. By the way since it took an hour after ordering to get our food we actually ate free...

Wednesday we had my husband's favorite Nacho's. Super easy recipe santitas chips and  microwave some cheese on the chips or use nacho cheese (my husbands favorite nacho cheese is the campbell soup kind). Next dallop warmed refried beans, layer with shredded lettuce sliced olives and diced tomatoes. Top with your favorite salsa and some sour cream! yummy! 

Thursday orange chicken, white rice and stir fry. The stir fry I used fresh veggies including, onion, green pepper, carrots, snap peas, and broccoli. I try to ditch the bags and go for fresh when possible and there are plenty of veggies for the rest of the week and extras for next week.

Friday we were suppose to have enchiladas but the cheese and eggs are expiring so we had breakfast for dinner instead. Sounds like tomorrow we will have the enchiladas instead. 

Saturday enchiladas we had planned tacos and that will now be next week.  My husband planned the menu this week for his birthday week and as you can tell he loves Mexican food. We will also have tons of extra enchiladas for lunches!

Sunday we had steak, cheesy potatoes and steamed broccoli. I am pretty excited about this one, I don't eat meat so we can afford to have my husband's steak which he will share with our daughter. I make my famous garlic mashed potatoes and then top with cheese and throw in the oven. "Cheesy Tatoes" are our families favorite! We all love the steamed broccoli as well, and I don't add a thing to them, just steamed to perfection!


I don't have certain days since it depends on time and mood. 

Grilled cheese sandwiches

Spaghetti with sauce (I make noodles from scratch super easy if you have the tool that flatens and cuts)

Cheese quesadilla


Sometimes breakfast for lunch


Cheese omelet 






Applesauce (I made and canned it off my tree)






Homemade Strawberry Lemonade

Our bill came to $41.28 at the grocery store (which included a $7 steak) plus the $7.00 at Papa John's we had some $ to spare!

We already have spices, baking supplies and some of the things needed to make these meals. This week we bought enough chicken for the month (since we have 1 and a half meat eaters), oatmeal and several other things that will last more then this week. If every week you are buying produce plus a few things to last to another week or a few, you will start having variety. Luckily for me I already have lots of the essentials on hand. My husband and I spoke about most likely keeping our food storage up every 6 month by stock  piling   during the case lot sale in Sept/Oct and March/Apr. This is the best time at our stores to get some canned food essentials like olives and baking supplies like our flour and sugar. Though we will be doing $50/ week, every 6 months we will be buying essentials and food storage that we will save a little on the side to do so.

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